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Let’s check out the crazy open and click rates
I got for a simple email I sent using LeadPrimo
See how I am driving 400-700 laser targeted email traffic and
made $500-$1400 a day as an affiliate by sending beautiful emails
Here are REAL USERS nailing it using LeadPrimo

Want to Generate Laser Targeted Leads? DONE!
Importing Unlimited leads without losing a single lead? DONE!
Sending UNLIMITED mails? DONE!
Automating email marketing campaigns? That’s DONE as well!

This software really impressed me with its amazing features. A great option for anyone looking to make the most from email marketing. 

- David Kirby


LeadPrimo will surely take the industry by the storm and will help marketers to generate more leads from any blog, eCommerce or WordPress site. I love its latest smart tag feature, as it enabled me to build targeted marketing campaigns hands down. Yet another killer product from Dr. Amit and his techno-savvy team.

- Billy Darr


Thanks for providing beta access. This product really took me by surprise and made email marketing easier for me. I just sent emails to my list and got 18% open rates with this super-amazing Email marketing technology. Two-thumbs up for this one.

- Kevin Byrne

Attract, Capture & Retain Paying Customers Forever to Drive
REAL RESULTS with the HUGE Power of Emails…
Get 3800% Return On Investment
Every $1 invested in Email marketing yields $38 as return
#1 Source For Driving Targeted Online Traffic
By 2022, email will be used by over 4.3 Billion people worldwide
Get 6X Better Results Than Social Media
Businesses are 6 times more likely to get a click-through from an email than a tweet, and 3 times more than facebook post.
Tap Into Millions Of Customers Daily
91% consumers check their email at least once a day on their smartphones.
Boost Customer Interaction
In The Best Way
72% consumers prefer email as their source of business communication.
Emails are highly effective at every stage of the sales funnel to communicate the best of your products and services to
convert your prospects into paying customers…
Now, it’s not a secret anymore that Email Works and so does for your competition… So, It’s Your Choice!
USE THEM in your marketing TODAY OR Loose a lot of paying customers and money on the table.
Hello, Struggling Online Marketers,
From the desk of Dr. Amit Pareek and Ashu Kumar
RE: Automate email marketing campaigns and boost inbox delivery, clicks and open rates

Dr. Amit Pareek

Er. Ashu Kumar

Hi, my name is Dr. Amit Pareek,

I, along with my business partner Ashu Kumar, have been in the internet marketing industry for the last 9 years. With time we have learnt that to make more money online, YOU NEED a system that works again and again without failing.

And without a doubt that’s EMAIL MARKETING.

It’s a famous quote that “money is in the list”.

When you have an email list, you have a push button in your hand to make profits on demand.

Even if you have a small list, you can easily make BIG money if those emails get delivered directly into subscriber’s INBOX.
But, without a legitimate solution for small business, it’s reserved for TOP level marketers only.

When you think of email marketing, you have to choose from those Infamous 3rd party email service providers who have their own quirky problems and have ZERO feelings about your business. So, if you are

Planning for a 3rd party Email Service? THINK AGAIN!!

  • Loss of a huge 30% leads while importing-
    With them, it’s almost impossible to import your subscribers list. In case you get success sometimes, you may lose 20-30% of your leads while importing it. That’s a HUGE loss.
  • Huge cost for no results-
    They charge you anywhere from $100-150 PER MONTH for just 10,000 subscribers and you only can send limited emails to those limited subscribers for that price. And even after that, there is NO GUARANTEE that you’ll get desired ROI from your campaigns as you expected.
  • Getting penalty for others mistake-
    When you send emails using those 3rd party software with 1000s of customers who share the same resources, Constant downtimes, spam complaint, bounces and unexplained delays in sending emails is not uncommon. It happens even when you didn’t do anything wrong due to someone else’s mistake.
  • Data leak is a BIG risk-
    You are relying on 3rd party who also have access to your valuable list so data leak is also a risk.
  • And with these services problems don’t end here…, even worse can happen:
Let me tell you my story:

2 years back, I was searching for a better solution for my email marketing. So, after doing my research and numerous brainstorming sessions, I decided to choose MailChimp for sending emails for boosting sales and profits.

Things were going quite smooth; my mails were getting opened and click through rates were also decent enough. So, I felt like a king and my dreams clouds starting showering rains of overnight fame and success.

But, destiny had something else in store, and one morning while sipping my daily cappuccino, my eyes were split wide open to read this horrendous email-

These were literally the first words that echoed in my mind after I checked that mail. After all, I didn’t do anything wrong or unethical. I wasn’t spamming, nor was I sending fishy mails to my subscribers.

I felt completely done and dusted. I couldn’t do anything as I had ZERO control and had to rely on a 3rd party for sending mails and earning my daily bread.

I gathered some courage and got in touch with their support team. And you’ll be amazed to know that I couldn’t get a justifiable and believable reply from their end and ignored any contact attempts that I made after that. They kept playing with me like a football, kicking me mercilessly from one corner to another.

I am still amazed why it happened? It sounds as difficult as a Greek puzzle.

My business was dying a slow, painful death, and that I wasn't giving my subscribers what they needed... they were not getting due worth for their faith in me.

If you’ve already gone through all this, there’s no doubt you’ve experienced the frustration and the loss of profits.

And so, all that came to my mind is that I had to prepare for a hard and bumpy ride.

That’s it, I told myself. I decided from now on, I won’t put my faith on these money-sucking service providers that are sitting with a big crocodile’s mouth open to eat you once and for all.

So, I put everything else aside, got my technical team into a huddle and decided that we will create a self-hosted email marketing platform that gives better and trackable results time and time again.

After lots of hard work and burning my midnight lamps for countless nights, I came up with this magnificent feature packed Email marketing system that gives me complete freedom of work & control over my business.

And you know what, I am managing my own 80,000+ subscribers for more than 18 months and I have witnessed 34% increase in my open and click through rates and so, my email marketing profits also increased by 34%.
So here I present a system that has generated better results for me so that you too don’t fall prey to money hunters out there and enables YOU control your own destiny - and not big corporations.

The COMPLETE, All-in-One Solution to 4 of the Biggest
Problems faced by Email Marketers
Proudly Presenting...
Easy, FAST, Powerful & 100% Cloud Based- No Installation, Hosting & Domain Needed
All-In-One Email Marketing Platform- Create hundreds of high converting landing pages & Send UNLIMITED emails directly into inbox
Get 3800% ROI- Use immense power of email marketing and make the most from your email marketing efforts
It is a must have tool in your marketing arsenal that comes with a ONE-TIME FEE and that will send all existing money sucking autoresponders back to their nest.

Yeah, that’s completely true as LeadPrimo automates your email marketing, From A to Z and make it completely hassle free.

Seriously, there's NOTHING like this on the market right now.
Follow SIMPLE 3-Steps to get massive spikes in your open and click through rates, and see results that you’ve never seen before:
Create Your Own Fully Controlled Email Marketing System In Just 3 Simple Steps!

Collect OR Upload Leads
To begin with, all you need to do is collect unlimited leads using our high converting lead pages OR upload your subscriber’s list into this monster without any restrictions.
Send Emails
Setup an email campaign in just few clicks. Now, LeadPrimo gets into active mode and sends unlimited mails to your subscribers completely hands free.
Enjoy Traffic & Profits
That’s it. All hard work is done. Now just sit back and relax and watch profits grow leaps and bounds.
Now no more playing the waiting game. No more being at the mercy of those money sucking email marketing service providers. Just get your hands on LeadPrimo, and the rest will be taken care of by us.
Watch This Short Demo Video &
See How Easy and POWERFUL LeadPrimo Is...
Want to create a high converting lead page? That’s a cakewalk with us & it’s all done in few seconds
So How to setup a Powerful Email Campaign? Crafting a beautiful email that engage readers & sending it is Easy & FUN

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Grab this EASY BUT POWERFUL, All-in-One Email Marketing Solution For
A Special Discounted Price
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Full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

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Just think what if you had... 

... ! An ultimate ground-breaking newbie friendly technology that’s custom created keeping every email marketer’s in mind, and that automates everything for you and makes email marketing hands free!  

That’s EXACTLY how LeadPrimo makes your life simpler.

So, if you want to create your own fully controlled Email marketing system to generate more leads & email traffic to any offer without paying BIG monthly fee forever, all ON AUTOPILOT from start to finish, then LeadPrimo is made for you!

It’s your ultimate chance to make the most out of email marketing…

The Ultimate Feature Packed Newbie Friendly Email Marketing Powerhouse… Drives REAL Results Faster, Easier and Smarter…
With LeadPrimo It’s…UNLIMITED Everything…

Boost Email Delivery, Click and Open Rates with LeadPrimo

You are so close to make yourself a Gold Mine with Email Marketing …Simply when you have your emails delivered straight to the Prospects Inbox you have already Won Half the Race…
This money pulling masterpiece and innovative technology got me earn REAL results like these hands free. And now, you too can get them…
Myth: And if you feel that after sending so many mails, my sender reputation went for a TOSS, you’re kidding me.
Attract & Capture Prospects to Build HUGE List
Create HUNDREDS of stellar combinations with incredibly magnificent lead page templates. You are leveraged with premium lead page templates for the HOTTEST of niches. They are completely done-for-you and all you need to do is just get them in sync with your best offers and start funnelling the valuable prospects.
Generate more potential subscribers with our attractive in-built lead form
Lead forms are the simplest way to generate qualified leads and build a huge base of cash paying customers for your business.

Keeping this in mind, LeadPrimo helps you to grab attention of more and more subscribers on your blog, e-commerce sites or WordPress sites with an eye-catchy lead generation form.

All you need to do is: copy one line of code and paste it on your site.
When you have the right tools with you, you have the power to take advantage…and with LeadPrimo the advantage is always DOUBLE…
It’s simple my friend…
When you design your lead pages with the premium designed templates, you get double advantage for your business. Not only you have leads flowing from desktops and laptops, you’ll also be capturing tons of leads from mobile, tablets users etc. that boosts sales and profits hands free…
Isn’t that truly awesome!!!
You have targeted leads flowing in for your offers. Just give them what they’re looking for, and you’re on your way.
Craft Best emails – With Inline editor to Make them beautiful
You can create simple text emails or HTML emails with our LIVE Inline editor feature to send best emails for maximum engagement. This is all built to attract, capture, nurture and convert your potential prospect.
Give Your Prospects the JOY of receiving the emails in a way they want…and build a long-term relationship
With 53% users accessing data through mobiles, you have the power to craft emails that are completely mobile screen and different device responsive. Build a trail of Happy Customers!!!
Fuel in the Engagement with Personalisation
Craft in emails and newsletters that can convey your brand message and story in the most compelling fashion. Add personalization elements, segment your lists and deliver the best-of-your offers smartly and easily. This way you have endless supply of hyper-targeted, fresh and hot leads day in day out.
Earn 3800% Return on Investment
Email Marketing is the most effective way of marketing with massive boost in sales and revenue. Every $ invested in email marketing would fetch you returns up to 3800%. So why not make the most out of this by joining the league of Pro marketers with LeadPrimo – the most effective email marketing software.
Use smart tags to segment your subscribers & send exclusive emails
This is our masterpiece. Using this Latest & VERY Powerful feature, you can assign tags to your subscribers and segment them in a very simple manner. Now you can send emails exclusively to the subscribers related to any smart Tag or group.
Reduce bounce rate
Higher bounce spoils your image and get murky with every bounce. With LeadPrimo, you can get rid of all the bounced and spammed mails. LeadPrimo automatically remove mails that were counted as bounce and make your list clear without any grunt work.
Works Seamlessly with almost every SMTP server
It works great with Amazon SES, Send-grid or with almost every SMTP server out there to send your emails fast. You can also setup your own SMTP within seconds.
Works easily with FREE email providers like Google, Yahoo and Outlook
If you don’t want to buy a SMTP server, don’t worry. It also works great with FREE email providers like Google, Yahoo & Outlook. Just setup account & you’re good to go.

You can even throttle & set how many emails per hour you want to send according to your hosting company's policy.
LeadPrimo is CAN-SPAM compliant
It provides one-click unsubscribe feature that is user-friendly and helps to greatly reduce spam complaints and built your better send reputation.
Manage your subscribers hassle-free
LeadPrimo offers you the easiest way to find, filter or clean your subscribers in never-ending lists. You can find out a subscriber out of a list of thousands with just 1 click.

Track duplicate entries and create a backup of your list in no time with LeadPrimo.
All-in-one cloud-based email marketing software
LeadPrimo is built on the idea to deliver maximum quality, ease and efficiency. And to make it simpler we made it a cloud-based platform.

Guys you will be thrilled by numbers of features that we are offering to you to make your email marketing simple and fun.
100% newbie friendly and fully automated
Effective email marketing is all about sending right email to right people at right time and our software team has got everything covered and made it no hands software.

With the robust features of LeadPrimo, you have the complete freedom to automate your email marketing. The software delivers automated, one-to-one messages across all your marketing channels and even a newbie can manage his email marketing campaign without any hassle.
Stop being Slave to 3rd party software
No one knows your business better than you. So, without falling slaves to those money sucking 3rd party services get complete CONTROL of Your Business.

Send emails when you want. No more waiting and suffering for someone’s else being spammy and non-compliant. And It’s UNLIMITED emailing without losing a SINGLE lead.
No monthly fees or additional charges
If you are a newbie and starting out with email marketing, then sending mails can be a costly affair. They charge you like wildfire and you have to provide a heavy monthly fee just to reach out to your email list.

But LeadPrimo is hands down the best email marketing software available today that charges no recurring fee and allows you to send unlimited emails with just one click.
Brand new system- Absolutely NO rehashes
We always believe in giving you something that’s packed with latest features and which is simply not an add-on to a pre-existing product.

So, LeadPrimo is packed with great features and it’s the ultimate email marketing technology that’s never been seen before.
Designed by Marketers for Marketers
LeadPrimo has been built from the ground up to be A-Z marketer-friendly, meaning you can upload your list of subscribers straight into the software with no technical hassles, and get best results without any complications.
Step-By-Step Training to Make Everything Easy for You...
Yep, we know software can get complex. And while LeadPrimo is DEAD easy to use, we wanted to make 100% sure it’s accessible to everyone and everyone can make money with it. That’s why we did 2 things:

#1 We’ve added in-depth video training for every feature, so you can always look at the RIGHT way to do things

#2 We’re also offering 24*7 on-going support so you’re always just a message away from having your problem solved.
With LeadPrimo you have the ULTIMATE Power to overcome your competitors…in terms of engaging emails, direct Inboxing & higher click-through and open rates.
Craft in rich text-based emails and newsletters. Make them super engaging with tons of features like personalization, visualization and define your Send schedule.
Every email sent is delivered straight to the INBOX which means you have outsmart the chances of spamming and getting bounced.
Perfectly crafted emails, can bring you improved Click-through and Open Rates.
Feeling Lured?
Click the "Add to Cart" Below and Get Your Hands on This Amazing Software
That Will Solve All Your Money Making Problems!
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Full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

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Verified & Secure Checkout via JVShare. Pay Via Credit Card or Paypal

Let's hear out from our Beta Testing Users, on their exploration of this amazing technology

I’m not shy to confess, I’ve wasted a great of my hard earned dollars on these money sucking 3rd party autoresponders in the market. When I got to know about LeadPrimo, I was quite relaxed. Guys, I’ve used it and I’ll recommend this for every marketer willing to make email marketing fast, easy and profitable as well.

- Venkata Ramana


No more dependency on 3rd party money sucking service providers. No more worrying for paying a fortune to get miniscule results. Now, I can have complete control on my email marketing campaigns. The good days are back folks.

- Mosh Bari


Wow, Bravo!!! This is another wonderful product from your team Dr. Amit. Now building strong relationships with subscribers with well-crafted emails has become an easy job. I am just loving using this gorgeously designed piece of technology.

- Akpomedaye Victory


LeadPrimo, an all-in-one email marketing technology that gets emails delivered straight to inbox and boost opt-in rates on complete autopilot. Its smart tag feature enables me to build targeted marketing campaigns. This technology is going to ROCK the market in 2018 and beyond. Get it NOW guys before it flies away.

- Ankur Shukla

And this is why they are loving it so much

Let's checkout few more screenshots of my daily email traffic & affiliate commissions and how I rocked charts of top launches to become top JVZOO Affiliate with the immense power of emails.

LeadPrimo is designed to meet every marketer’s need! It works seamlessly and efficiently for ANY NICHE…
Internet Marketing
Software and Networking
Electronics and Computers
Fun and Leisure
Knowledge and Education
Individual/Self Enhancement
Sports and Recreation
And it will do a whole lot of things you haven't even thought was possible yet... All with ZERO technical skills and with ZERO headaches...

So, With LeadPrimo, You Create Your Own Email Marketing System Starting Today & Bid Goodbye to All the Technical & Marketing Hurdles.

No more losing 20-30% of your list while importing so don't lose money again & make more profits

No more feeling bankrupt paying money month after month to email marketing service providers that cost a fortune

No more sitting for long hours & playing the waiting game to get authentic results

No more worrying about a 3rd party company crippling your business that can cost you a fortune ever again

No more worrying about privacy of your list

No more dependency on various trial-and-error methods

No more limits on sending emails and subscribers so send emails as often as you’d like with NO down time

No more techy stuff… it’s very Easy to setup and use for anyone, regardless of prior technical experience

Not only is LeadPrimo the BEST ever cloud based email marketing technology that automates email marketing like a whisker...

It’s Also The Most Affordable Solution

In fact it’s so good – it’s in a league of its own. Forget about paying outrageous fees to 3rd party email marketing service providers AND facing the risk of losing your precious data – LeadPrimo provides the best of both worlds.

You now have the opportunity to take advantage of our zero-limitations, zero-restrictions cloud software that packs a lasting punch to existing autoresponders out there!

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Full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

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Verified & Secure Checkout via JVShare. Pay Via Credit Card or Paypal

Here's what REAL users have to say about our platform

Dr. Amit, thanks a ton for this incredibly amazing email marketing software. It resolved a huge problem that I faced with other software i.e. losing my precious lists while uploading into the autoresponders! Finally with LeadPrimo I am back to winning ways and that too without losing a single lead.

- Abhijit Saha


LeadPrimo is a must have tool for every email marketer. It's easy to use, offers a variety of email templates and list-management options, and it creates attractive emails that helps to reach subscribers fast and easy. Get this before the prices go beyond your reach.

- Cyril Gupta


Hands down! Best value for money software. Everything I need to get to keep my email marketing business running is available at one time fee, amazing! It’s an ultimate software that automates the complete process in few minutes. Must have for every success hungry marketer.

- Jeff Sherwood


LeadPrimo is new take of all the many cloud based mailing platform. The unique thing about this is the ability to create good looking lead capture pages that you can host and use with LeadPrimo. There are a lot of templates to choose from and easy to edit. PLUS it comes with all the bells and whistles of a good cloud AR.

- Abhi Dwivedi

Early Action Takers Always Get EXTRA Benefits.
So, Act Now & Grab these EXCLUSIVE Launch-Only Bonuses.

So, What’s the Catch?

We know that you are super excited with the features of this monster, and the only query bothering you is how much does this cost and will I be able to afford it.

Before we even talk about our ultra-low introductory one-time price, let's see what it would take for you to get these services from the so-called market leaders today-



1001 - 1500
2001 - 2500
2,601 - 2,700

Constant Contact

0 - 500
2501 - 5000
5001 - 10000


5K - 10K
25K - 50K
50K - 100K


0 - 500
2,501 - 5,000
10K - 25K

You've seen all of the lead generating, email marketing power and the easiness of LeadPrimo...

The catch is, there are thousands of dollars, we invested to build the technology and it also cost us on regular basis to maintain this BIG architecture on cloud, so you can enjoy the tool without any interruption.

So, we have finalized the price to be $47/month and that would still be a conservative price as we are handing you over a complete automation tool, hosting and Proven system to create multiple income streams in NO TIME starting today.

And that's how much it's going to cost once the launch period is over.

But for a Limited time, ONLY during this Launch period, we've decided to make it super affordable for everyone to try our cutting-edge software. That amount is less that the cost of sipping your favorite coffee.

So don’t wait? Just hit the "Buy Button" Below and Get Your Hands on This Amazing Software That Will Solve All Your Money-Making Problems!

Take Advantage of This Launch Special and Lock in Limited Time Deal to LeadPrimo with One TINY Investment and Create Multiple PASSIVE Income Streams Starting Today

NO Monthly Fees Ever – Pay only Once!

Use Coupon Code – "allinone20" for $20 discount on Unlimited Store License

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LeadPrimo Automation Software
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100 Subscribers/month
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1000 Subscribers/month
One Time Payment
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PRO Plan
Unlimited Subscribers
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30 Days Money Back
Full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

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I’m So Sure That LeadPrimo Will Work for YOU so we’re Backing Everything up with an Iron Clad...
"30 Day Risk Free Money Back Guarantee"
I'm 100% confident that LeadPrimo will help you in driving leads and commissions to take your online business to the next level. I'm so confident on it that I'm making this offer a risk free investment for you.

If you came to the conclusion that, HONESTLY nothing of this has helped you in any way, you can take advantage of our "30-day Money Back Guarantee" and simply ask for a refund within 30 days!

Note: For refund, we will require a valid reason along with the proof that you tried our system but it didn't work for you!

I am considering your money to be kept safe on the table between us and waiting for you to APPLY and successfully plug in this product to eventually start making money, so then you can feel it is a great investment.

You can agree that the price we're asking is extremely low. That's going to change quickly!!

The price is rising with every few hours, so it won't be long until it's more than double what it is today!

We could easily charge hundreds of dollars for a revolutionary tool like this, but we want to offer you an attractive and affordable price that will finally help you automate email marketing in the best possible way - without wasting a ton of money!

Just take action... and I promise you won't be disappointed!
All You Need to do is Go Ahead and Take Action
Secure this Excellent Technology Now By Clicking the Button Below!
30 Days Money Back
Full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Highly Secured
Verified & Secure Checkout via JVShare. Pay Via Credit Card or Paypal
And yes, before I pull the curtains down once and for all, here’s a gentle reminder that I have a dedicated customer success team available at your convenience. For any query or any issue, just get in touch with our team, and they will take care of the rest.

Dr. Amit Pareek

Er. Ashu Kumar

P.S- Email marketing is the buzz word of today, and I’m sure it will stay long. Our products speak for themselves, so we don’t force you into buying them. However, time is running out like wildfire. Don’t delay and secure LeadPrimo at the lowest price it will ever be offered. You’re fully covered by my no quibble guarantee – and so the risk’s all on me. You’ve got nothing to lose!

Just imagine, if you could have that untapped power in your hands to collect max leads on your site & then turn these leads into buyers!

Take my word, it’s the ultimate chance for you to automate your email marketing so take action NOW.

P.S.S Get your copy off "LeadPrimo" before it gets too late

By now you should be really excited about all the wonderful benefits of this amazing piece of software.

It's the best email marketing technology available at an unbeatable price, there's plenty of proof it works and it comes with a 100% risk free money back guarantee. You deserve results and we provide them, PERIOD.
Boost Your Open Rates Starting Today For A Special
Discounted Price Only For A Limited Time!
30 Days Money Back
Full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Highly Secured
Verified & Secure Checkout via JVShare. Pay Via Credit Card or Paypal
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What exactly LeadPrimo is all about?

    LeadPrimo is the World’s ONLY all-in-one email marketing platform that creates beautiful lead pages & gets tons of leads, send UNLIMITED emails directly into inbox to get more clicks & open rates without paying heavy monthly fees forever.

  • Is it possible for me to import my current autoresponder lists with LeadPrimo?

    Yeah, that completely simple and easy with LeadPrimo. All you need to do is import your list from your existing autoresponder in a CSV file and the rest will be managed by LeadPrimo.

  • Is LeadPrimo easy to use?

    I bet you it’s the easiest tool you might have seen so far. Our #1 priority during the development of the software was to make it simple and easy for everyone. There is nothing to install, just create your account and login to make the most your email marketing campaigns.

  • Will I able to get best results from my email marketing campaigns from day one?

    Well, that depends on how well you make the use of this ultimate software. We’ve created this from grounds up to make everything simple and easy, and ensure that you move ahead without any hassles.

  • I’ve heard cloud based email marketing software is a tough nut to crack, is that true?

    No, it’s just a myth prevalent in the market. We’ve created LeadPrimo to be as user friendly as possible. Along with that, we are also providing step-by-step easy to understand video tutorials that will get you up and running, regardless of any prior technical experience.

  • Do you charge any monthly fees?

    NOT AT ALL. We are not like other money-sucking service providers existing in the market. There are NO monthly fees to use LeadPrimo and take complete control of your email marketing campaigns. You can get LeadPrimo for a low, one-time investment when you purchase today. We always believe in providing complete value for your money.

  • Do I need to download & install LeadPrimo somewhere?

    NO! LeadPrimo is fully cloud based. You create an account and you can get started immediately online. LeadPrimo is 100% cloud based platform hosted on the cloud. This means you never have to download anything ever. You can access it at any time from any device that has an internet connection.

  • Is my investment risk free?

    We know the worth of your money. You can be rest assured that your investment is as safe as houses. However, we would like to clearly state that we'll process your refund only when you provide a valid and justifiable reason that you tried your level best but still you didn't get the desired results.

  • Are there any restrictions on importing lists and subscribers?

    No my friend, there aren’t any restrictions. You can import unlimited lists and send unlimited mails to boost sales and profits.

  • Will I get any training or support?

    YES. We made detailed step-by-step training videos that show you every step of how to get setup and you can access them in the member’s area. If you do get stuck, we also have a dedicated support desk to bail you out from any crisis.

Earning Disclaimer: Please make your purchase decision wisely. There is no promise or representation that you will make a certain amount of money, or any money, or not lose money, as a result of using our products and services. Any stats, conversion, earnings, or income statements are strictly estimates. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels for yourself. As with any business, your results will vary and will be based on your personal abilities, experience, knowledge, capabilities, level of desire, and an infinite number of variables beyond our control; including variables we or you have not anticipated. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. Each person’s results will vary. There are unknown risks in any business, particularly with the Internet where advances and changes can happen quickly. The use of the plug-in and the given information should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that we are not liable for your success or failure.

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